Columbia Restaurants beach clean-up!

7th Nov 2022

Ecologically responsible and always striving for sustainability, Columbia Restaurants has taken another initiative and cleaned up the beach we all love!

On Friday, 4th of November in collaboration with BDO Cyprus and environmental NGO Let’s Make Cyprus Green, the Columbia Restaurants family headed to the Lady’s Mile beach to clean up the stretch between Oceania Beach bar and Columbia Sun.

The Lady’s Mile beach clean-up was the latest in a series of green initiatives launched by Columbia, as part of its commitment to take steps to do the best for the environment and keep the Lady’s Mile beach clean for everyone!

Around 150-200 people have taken part in the clean-up which was a huge success as participants managed to remove huge amounts of rubbish from the beach.

To reward the kind-hearted, weary volunteers, Columbia Sun held an after-clean-up party, with plenty of music, food, and drinks!